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Why Choose Platte #1 - Wheatland Middle School

Posted Date: 09/12/2024

Why Choose Platte #1 - Wheatland Middle School

Chart Your Course at Wheatland Middle School

Wheatland Middle School is the perfect place for students to discover their passions and explore new horizons. With our theme, "Chart Your Course," we encourage students to actively shape their educational journey and discover their unique path to success.

A Strong Academic Foundation

Our highly qualified Core teachers provide a solid foundation in math, language arts, science, social studies, and physical education.  With a focus on Professional Learning Communities (PLC) this year, the teachers are using student data to drive their instruction.  Students receive personalized attention and support in a nurturing learning environment.

A Variety of Extracurricular Opportunities

Wheatland Middle School offers a wide range of extracurricular activities to help students explore their interests and develop new skills. Whether you're passionate about sports, arts, or community service, you'll find something to suit your interests.

  • Athletic Programs: Participate in cross country, football, volleyball, wrestling, basketball, golf, and track.

  • Student Clubs: Join FFA, student council, drama, History Day, yearbook, or National Junior Honor Society.

 (Pictured Below: FFA 2023 State Convention, History Day Award Winner) 

ffa  history day

Discover Your Passion

We believe that trying new things is essential for personal growth and development. At Wheatland Middle School, we encourage students to step outside their comfort zone and explore different activities.  We offer band, art, choir, agriculture, and life skills (Home Economics).  The Wheatland Middle School’s Ag Department recently received two grants to help in the construction of a greenhouse that we hope will become a staple in the community.  If you're interested in STEM, the arts, or leadership, we have something to offer at WMS. 


Join the Wheatland Middle School Community

If you're looking for a supportive and engaging learning environment, Wheatland Middle School is the place for you. Our dedicated, highly trained staff and diverse range of programs will help you chart your course to growth and success.

(Pictured Below: Wheatland WY MIddle School Serving People in Our Community) 

kids  letter

August 28,2024

Great “feel good story” to end your day.

Mrs Birt was a sub PE teacher this morning, and took the class on a walk. The students noticed one of our neighbors with some heavy bags and offered to help, making her day!

She stopped by with this card this afternoon, and some money for some treats for the class.

We are so proud of our students for seeing someone who needed help, and went right to it! We have great kids. ❤️❤️❤️

(Pictured Below: Mrs. Freitas 6th Grade Science, Mrs. Brandt Art, Mr. Knowles Band) 


